Questions for GRAND TEST
- Write postulates of Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.Derive the expression for it.
- Write postulates of Bose-Einstein distribution.Derive the expression for it.
- Write postulates of Fermi Dirac distribution.Derive the expression for it.
- Derive the expression for Density of energy states.
- Derive the expression for Wein's law and Raleigh jeans law.
- Explain Debroglie hypothesis.Give expression for it.Define matter waves.write charesteristics for matter waves.
- Explain the construction and working of Davission Germer experiment.
- Derive the expression for Schrodinger time dependent and Independent equation.
- Derive an expression for particle in 1-D box.
- Explain Bloch theorem.
- Expalin Kronig -penny model.
- Define Effective mass of an electron. Derive the expression for it.and Explain E-K diagram.
- Calculate the carrier conentration in Intrinsic Semiconductor.
- Calculate the carrier conentration in Extrinsic Semiconductor.
- Define Hall-Effect. Explain Hall experiment.Derive the expression for it.