Unit 1
1. What is bonding in solids? Write the list of different types of bonds. Explain with suitable examples.
2. Derive expression for the equilibrium spacing of two atoms for which the potential energy is minimum and hence obtain the dissociation energy.
3. What is modeling constant? Calculate the modeling constant for NaCl.
4. What are miller indices? How are they obtained? Explain its significance and eqn. for d=a/root of(h2+k2+l2).
5. Describe the following structures.
i) SC
ii) BCC
iii) FCC
iv) diamond
v) HCP
vi) NaCl
6a. Define following:
A) Space lattice
B) Unit cell
C) Lattice parameters
D) Coordination no.
E) Atomic radius
F) Nearest neighbor distance
G) Packing factor
6b. Explain crystal systems and bravias lattices.

Unit 2
Derive Bragg’s law of X-ray diffraction and explain Bragg’s X-ray spectrometry method.
Explain powder and lave methods.
Write the types of vacancies and explain edge and screw dislocations.
What are frenkel and schottky defects and derive expressions for them.
Unit 3
Derive expressions for Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-dirac and Bose Einstein distribution with their assumptions.
Derive the expression for density of energy states and madplank’s formula.
What are matter waves? Explain their properties and calculate the deBroglie wavelength and that wavelength associated with an electron.
Explain Davission & Germer and G.P. Thomson experiment.
Derive expression for schrodinger time independent and dependent equations.
Derive the expression for particle in 1-D box or potential box.
Unit 4
Explain Bloch theorem.(Explain electron in a periodic potential).
Explain Kronig-Penny model with conclusions.
Define drift velocity, mobility, relaxation time, effective mass and explain effective mass with E.V.S.H diagrams.
Unit 5
Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors and derive an expression for density of holes and electrons.
What is  Fermi level? Explain this in p-n semi-conductor and carrier conc. In p and n type semi-conductor.
What is Hall Effect? Derive expression and explain.
Explain energy level diagrams of p-n and I-V characteristics.
Explain half and full wave rectifiers and LED and LCD and photodiode.
Unit 6
Show that P=Eo(Er-1)E and different types of polarization processes and their expressions.
Obtain an equation for clasius-mosotti equation.
Show that Ur=(1+x). Explain Hysterisition B-H curve and hard and soft materials.
Explain Magnetic levitation type 1 and type 2 and Meissner effect.
Unit 7
Explain Einstein coefficient equation and 4 types of lasers.(Ruby, CO2, Helium & Semi-conductor).
Explain acceptance angle and conc. and NA and types of optical fibers and optical fibers in communication systems.
Unit 8
Explain top-down and bottom-up process for fabrication method and XRD, TEM and applications.
What are the basic requirements for good hall arrangement and Sabing’s  formula. What are the factors affecting architectural acc. and rem. & explain Quieting methods,  mufflers and sound proofing.