Introduction : The basic aim in the study of the subject of magnetic materials is to
understand the effect of an external magnetic field on a bulk material ,and also to account for
its specific behavior. A dipole is an object that a magnetic pole is on one end
and a equal and opposite second magnetic dipole is on the other end.
A bar magnet can
be considered as a dipole with a north pole at one end and South Pole at the
other. If a magnet is cut into two, two magnets or dipoles are created out of
one. This sectioning and creation of dipoles can continue to the atomic level.
Therefore, the source of magnetism lies in the basic building block of all the
matter i.e. the atom.
Consider electric
current flowing through a conductor. When the electrons are flowing through the
conductor, a magnetic field is forms around the conductor. A magnetic field is
produced whenever an electric charge is in motion. The strength of the field is
called the magnetic moment.
Magnetic materials
are those which can be easily magnetized as they have permanent magnetic moment
in the presence of applied magnetic field. Magnetism arises from the magnetic
dipole moments. It is responsible for producing magnetic influence of
attraction or repulsion.
Magnetic dipole : it is a system consisting of two equal and opposite
magnetic poles separated by a small distance of ‘2l’metre.
Magnetic Moment ( μm ) :It
is defined as the product of the pole strength (m) and the distance between the
two poles (2l) of the magnet.
i . e .
. μm =
(2l ) m
Units: Ampere – metre2
Magnetic Flux Density or Magnetic
Induction (B): It is defined as
the number of magnetic lines of force passing perpendicularly through unit
i . e .
. B =
magnetic flux / area = Φ / A
Units: Weber /
metre2 or Tesla.
Magnetic Field Intensity (H): The magnetic field intensity at any point in the
magnetic field is the force experienced by a unit north pole placed at that
Units: Ampere / meter
The magnetic induction B due to
magnetic field intensity H applied in vacuum is related by
= μ0
H where μ0
is permeability of free space = 4 Π x 10-7 H / m
If the field is applied in a medium,
the magnetic induction in the solid is given by
B = μ H where μ
is permeability of the
material in the medium
μ = B / H
Hence magnetic Permeability μ
of any material is the ratio of the magnetic induction to the applied
magnetic field intensity. The ratio of μ / μ0 is
called the relative permeability (μr ).
= μ / μ0
Therefore B = μ0 μr H
Magnetization: It is the process of converting a non – magnetic
material into a magnetic material. The intensity of magnetization (M) of a
material is the magnetic moment per unit volume. The intensity of magnetization
is directly related to the applied field H through the susceptibility of the
medium (χ) by
χ = M /
H ------------(1)
The magnetic susceptibility of a material
is the ratio of the intensity of magnetization produced to the magnetic field
intensity which produces the magnetization. It has no units.
We know
= μ
= μ0
μr H
B = μ0 μr H + μ0 H - μ0
= μ0 H + μ0 H ( μr – 1 )
= μ0 H + μ0 M where M is magnetization = H ( μr – 1 )
i.e B =
μ0 ( H + M ) ----------(2)
The first term on the right side of eqn
(2) is due to external field. The second term is due to the magnetization.
Hence μ0
= B / H + M
Relative Permeability ,
μr = μ / μ0 = ( B / H ) / ( B / H + M ) = H + M / H = 1 + M / H
= 1 + χ ---------(3)
The magnetic properties of all
substances are associated with the orbital and spin motions of the electrons in
their atoms. Due to this motion, the electrons become elementary magnets of the
substance. In few materials these elementary magnets are able to strengthen the
applied magnetic field , while in few others , they orient themselves such that
the applied magnetic field is weakened.
Origin of Magnetic Moment : In atoms , the permanent magnetic moments can arise
due to the following :
1. the orbital magnetic moment of the electrons
2. the spin magnetic moment of the electrons
3. the spin magnetic moment of the nucleus.
magnetic moment of the electrons: In
an atom, electrons revolve round the nucleus in different circular orbits.
Let m be the mass of the electron and r
be the radius of the orbit in which it moves with angular velocity ω.
The electric current due to the moving
electron I = - ( number of electrons
flowing per second x charge of an electron )
Therefore I = - e ω / 2 Π --------------(1)
The current flowing through a circular
coil produces a magnetic field in a direction perpendicular to the area of coil
and it is identical to the magnetic dipole. the magnitude of the magnetic
moment produced by such a dipole is
μm = I .A
( - e ω / 2 Π ) ( Π r2 )
= - e ω r2 / 2 = ( - e / 2 m ) ( m
ω r2 ) = - ( e / 2 m ) L
where L = m ω
r2 is the orbital angular momentum of electron. The minus
sign indicates that the magnetic moment is anti – parallel to the angular
momentum L. A substance therefore possesses permanent magnetic dipoles if the
electrons of its constituent atom have a net non-vanishing angular momentum.
The ratio of the magnetic dipole moment of the electron due to its orbital
motion and the angular momentum of the orbital motion is called orbital gyro
magnetic ratio , represented by γ.
Therefore γ = magnetic moment / angular momentum = e /
The angular momentum of an electron is
determined by the orbital quantum number ‘l’ given by l = 0 , 1 , 2 , ……( n – 1
) where n is principal quantum number n
= 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , …… ……corresponding to K , L , M , N……shells .
The angular momentum of the electrons
associated with a particular value of l is given by l( h / 2 Π )
The strength of the permanent magnetic
dipole is given by
μ el = - ( e / 2 m ) ( l h / 2 Π )
i.e μ el = - ( e h l / 4 Π m ) = - μB l ---------------(3)
The quantity μB = e
h / 4 Π m is an atomic unit called Bohr
Magneton and has a value 9.27 x 10 -24
ampere metre2
In an atom having many electrons, the total
orbital magnetic moment is determined by taking the algebraic sum of the
magnetic moments of individual electrons. The moment of a completely filled
shell is zero. An atom with partially filled shells will have non zero orbital
magnetic moment.
Moment Due to Electron Spin : The
magnetic moment associated with spinning of the electron is called spin
magnetic moment μ es .Magnetic moment due to the rotation of the
electronic charge about one of the diameters of the electron is similar to the
earth’s spinning motion around it’s north – south axis.
An electronic charge being spread over a
spherical volume ,the electron spin would cause different charge elements of
this sphere to form closed currents, resulting in a net spin magnetic moment.
This net magnetic moment would depend upon the structure of the electron and
its charge distribution.
μ es = γ ( e / 2 m ) S -------------------(1)where S= h / 4 Π is spin angular momentum
therefore μ es ≈ 9.4 x
10 -24 ampere metre2
Thus, the magnetic moments due to the
spin and the orbital motions of an electron are of the same order of magnitude.
The spin and electron spin magnetic moment are intrinsic properties of an
electron and exist even for a stationary electron. Since the magnitude of spin
magnetic moment is always same, the external field can only influence its
direction. If the electron spin moments are free to orient themselves in the
direction of the applied field B. In a varying field ,it experiences a force in
the direction of the increasing magnetic field due to spin magnetic moments of
its various electrons.
Magnetic Moment due to Nuclear Spin : Another contribution may arise from the nuclear
magnetic moment. By analogy with Bohr Magneton, the nuclear magneton arises due
to spin of the nucleus. It is given by μ ps
= e h / 4 Π Mp
μ ps = 5.05
x 10 -27 ampere metre2 where
Mp is mass of proton.
The nuclear magnetic moments are smaller
than those associated with electrons.
Classification Of Magnetic Materials :All matter respond in one way or the other when
subjected to the influence of a magnetic field. The response could be strong or
weak, but there is none with zero response ie, there is no matter which is non
magnetic in the absolute sense. Depending upon the magnitude and sign of
response to the applied field , and also on the basis of effect of temperature
on the magnetic properties, all materials are classified broadly under 3
1. Diamagnetic materials 2. Paramagnetic materials, 3. Ferromagnetic materials
two more classes of
materials have structure very close to ferromagnetic materials but possess quite different
magnetic effects. They are i. Anti
ferromagnetic materials and ii . Ferri magnetic materials

1. Diamagnetic materials: Diamagnetic materials are those which experience a repelling
force when brought near the pole of a strong magnet. In a non uniform magnetic
field they are repelled away from stronger parts of the field.
In the absence of an external magnetic field , the net
magnetic dipole moment over each atom or molecule of a diamagnetic material is
Ex: Cu, Bi , Pb .Zn and rare gases.

Paramagnetic materials: Paramagnetic
materials are those which experience a feeble attractive force when brought
near the pole of a magnet. They are attracted towards the stronger parts of
magnetic field. Due to the spin and orbital motion of the electrons, the atoms
of paramagnetic material posses a net intrinsic permanent moment.
χ is positive and small for these
materials. The susceptibility is inversely proportional to the temperature T.
χ α 1/T
χ = C/T where C is Curie’s temperature.
superconducting transition temperatures, these materials exhibit the Para magnetism.
Al, Mn, Pt, CuCl2.
Ferromagnetic Materials: Ferromagnetic
materials are those which experience a very strong attractive force when
brought near the pole of a magnet. These materials, apart from getting
magnetized parallel to the direction of the applied field, will continue to
retain the magnetic property even after the magnetizing field removed. The
atoms of ferromagnetic materials also have a net intrinsic magnetic dipole
moment which is due to the spin of the electrons.
is always positive and large and it depends upon temperature.
χ = C / (T- θ) ( only in
paramagnetic region i.e., T > θ)
θ is Curie’s temperature.
the temperature of the material is greater than its Curie temperature then it
converts into paramagnetic material.
Fe, Ni, Co, MnO.
Antiferromagnetic matériels : These are the ferromagnetic materials in which
equal no of opposite spins with same magnitude such that the orientation of
neighbouring spins is in antiparallel manner are present.
is small and positive and it is inversely proportional to the temperature.
χ=C /(T+θ)
temperature at which anti ferromagnetic material converts into paramagnetic
material is known as Neel’s temperature.
FeO, Cr2O3.
Ferrimagnetic materials: These are the ferromagnetic materials in which equal no of
opposite spins with different magnitudes such that the orientation of
neighbouring spins is in antiparallel
manner are present.
positive and large, it is inversely proportional to temperature
χ=C /(T ± θ) T> TN
( Neel’s temperature)
Examples :
ZnFe2O4, CuFe2O4

Domain theory of ferromagnetism: According to
Weiss, a virgin specimen of ferromagnetic material consists of a no of regions
or domains (≈ 10-6 m or larger) which are spontaneously magnetized. In each
domain spontaneous magnetization is due to parallel alignment of all magnetic
dipoles. The direction of spontaneous magnetization varies from domain to
domain. The resultant magnetization may hence be zero or nearly zero. When an
external field is applied there are two possible ways of alignment fo a random

By motion of domain walls: The
volume of the domains that are favourably oriented with respect to the
magnetizing field increases at the cost of those that are unfavourably oriented
By rotation of domains: When the applied magnetic field is strong,
rotation of the direction of magnetization occurs in the direction of the
Hysteresis curve (study of B-H
curve): The
hysteresis of ferromagnetic materials refers to the lag of magnetization behind
the magnetization field. when the temperature of the ferromagnetic substance is
less than the ferromagnetic Curie temperature ,the substance exhibits
hysteresis. The domain concept is well suited to explain the phenomenon of
hysteresis. The increase in the value of the resultant magnetic moment of the
specimen by the application of the applied field , it attributes to the 1. motion of the domain walls and 2. rotation of domains.
When a weak
magnetic field is applied, the domains that are aligned parallel to the field
and in the easy direction of magnetization , grow in size at the expense of
less favorably oriented ones. This results in Bloch wall movement and when the
weak field is removed, the domains reverse back to their original state. This
reverse wall displacement is indicated by OA of the magnetization curve. When
the field becomes stronger ,the Bloch wall movement continues and it is mostly
irreversible movement. This is indicated by the path AB of the graph. The
phenomenon of hysteresis is due to this irreversibility.

At the point B all domains have got magnetized
along their easy directions. Application of still higher fields rotates the
domains into the field direction which may be away from the easy direction.
Once the domain rotation is complete the specimen is saturated denoted by C. on
removal of the field the specimen tends to attain the original configuration by
the movement of Bloch walls. But this movement is hampered by the impurities,
lattice imperfections etc, and so more energy must be supplied to overcome the
opposing forces. This means that a coercive field is required to reduce the
magnetization of the specimen to zero. The amount of energy spent in this
regard is a loss. Hysteresis loss is the loss of energy in taking a
ferromagnetic body through a complete cycle of magnetization and this loss is
represented by the area enclosed by the hysteresis loop.
hysteresis curve shows the relationship between the magnetic flux density B and
applied magnetic field H. It is also referred to as the B-H curve(loop).
Hard and Soft Magnetic Materials:
Hysteresis loop of the ferromagnetic materials vary in
size and shape. This variation in hysteresis loops leads to a broad classification
of all the magnetic materials into hard type and soft type.
Hard Magnetic Materials:
Hard magnetic materials are those which are
characterized by large hysteresis loop because of which they retain a
considerable amount of their magnetic energy after the external magnetic field
is switched off. These materials are subjected to a magnetic field of
increasing intensity, the domain walls movements are impeded due to certain
factors. The cause for such a nature is attributed to the presence of
impurities or non-magnetic materials, or the lattice imperfections. Such
defects attract the domain walls thereby reducing the wall energy. It results
in a stable state for the domain walls and gives mechanical hardness to the material
which increases the electrical resistivity. The increase in electrical
resisitivity brings down the eddy current loss if used in a.c conditions. The
hard magnetic materials can neither be easily magnetized nor easily

1. High remanent magnetization
2. High coercivity
3. High saturation flux density
4. Low initial permeability
5. High hysteresis energy loss
6. High permeability
7. The eddy current loss is low for ceramic type and
large for metallic type.
of hard magnetic materials are, i) Iron- nickel- aluminum alloys with certain
amount of cobalt called Alnico alloy. ii) Copper nickel iron alloys. iii)
Platinum cobalt alloy.
Applications of hard magnetic materials: For production of permanent magnets, used in magnetic
detectors, microphones, flux meters, voltage regulators, damping devices and
magnetic separators.
Soft Magnetic Materials:
Soft magnetic materials are those for which
the hysteresis loops enclose very small area. They are the magnetic materials which
cannot be permanently magnetized. In these materials ,the domain walls motion
occurs easily. Consequently, the coercive force assumes a small value and makes
the hysteresis loop a narrow one because of which, the hysteresis loss becomes
very small. For the sane reasons, the materials can be easily magnetized and

1. Low remanent magnetization
2. Low coercivity
3. Low hysteresis energy loss
4. Low eddy current loss
5. High permeability
6. High susceptibility
of soft magnetic materials are
Permalloys (
alloys of Fe and Ni)
Si – Fe alloy
Amorphous ferrous
alloys ( alloys of Fe, Si, and B)
Pure Iron (BCC
of soft magnetic materials: Mainly
used in electro- magnetic machinery and transformer cores. They are also used
in switching circuits, microwave isolators and matrix storage of computers.
Meissner effect: When a weak magnetic field applied to super conducting
specimen at a temperature below transition temperature Tc , the magnetic flux
lines are expelled. This specimen acts as on ideal diamagnet. This effect is
called meissner effect. This effect is reversible, i.e. when the temperature is
raised from below Tc , at T = Tc the
flux lines suddenly start penetrating and the specimen returns back to the
normal state. Under this condition, the magnetic induction inside the specimen
is given by
B = m0(H + M)
Where H is the external applied magnetic field and M
is the magnetization produced inside the specimen.
When the specimen is super conducting, according to
meissner effect inside the bulk semiconductor
B= 0.
Hence m0(H + M) = 0
Or M = - H
Thus the material is perfectly diamagnetic.

Magnetic susceptibility can be expressed as
χ=M/H =
Consider a superconducting material under normal
state. Let J be the current passing through the material of resistivity ρ. From
ohm’s law we know that the electric field
E = Jρ
On cooling the material to its transition temperature,
ρ tends to zero. If J is held finite.
E must be zero. Form Maxwell’s eqn, we know
▼X E = - dB/ dt ----------------------------(5)
Under superconducting condition since E = 0, dB/dt =
0, or B= constant.
This means that the magnetic flux passing through the
specimen should not change on cooling to the transition temperature. The
Meissner effect contradicts this result.
According to Meissner effect perfect diamagnetism is
an essential property of defining the superconducting state. Thus
From zero resistivity E = 0,
From Meissner effect B= 0.
upon their behavior in an external magnetic field, superconductors are divided
into two types:
Type I superconductors and b) Type II superconductors
us discuss them one by one:
1) Type I superconductors:
Type I superconductors are those superconductors which loose their
superconductivity very easily or abruptly when placed in the external magnetic
field. As you can see from the graph of intensity of magnetization (M) versus
applied magnetic field (H), when the Type I superconductor is placed in the
magnetic field, it suddenly or easily looses its superconductivity at critical
magnetic field (Hc) (point A).

Hc, the Type I superconductor will become conductor.
Type I superconductors are also known as soft superconductors because of this
reason that is they loose their superconductivity easily.
Type I superconductors perfectly obey Meissner effect.
Example of Type I superconductors: Aluminum (Hc = 0.0105 Tesla), Zinc (Hc =
2) Type II superconductors:
Type II superconductors are those superconductors which loose their
superconductivity gradually but not easily or abruptly when placed in the
external magnetic field. As you can see from the graph of intensity of
magnetization (M) versus applied magnetic field (H), when the Type II
superconductor is placed in the magnetic field, it gradually looses its superconductivity.
Type II superconductors start to loose their superconductivity at lower
critical magnetic field (Hc1) and completely loose their superconductivity at
upper critical magnetic field (Hc2).

The state between the lower critical magnetic field (Hc1) and upper critical
magnetic field (Hc2) is known as vortex state or intermediate state.
Hc2, the Type II superconductor will become conductor.
Type I superconductors are also known as hard superconductors because of this
reason that is they loose their superconductivity gradually but not easily.
Type I superconductors obey Meissner effect but not completely.
Example of Type I superconductors: NbN (Hc = 8 x 106 Tesla), Babi3 (Hc = 59 x
103 Tesla)
Application of Type II superconductors: Type II superconductors are used for
strong field superconducting magnets.
MAGNETIC LEVITATION: Magnetic levitation, maglev, or magnetic suspension is
a method by which an object is suspended with no support other than magnetic
fields. Magnetic pressure is used to counteract the effects of the
gravitational and any other accelerations.
it is the use of magnetic fields (or magnetic forces) to levitate a (usually)
metallic object.
manipulating magnetic fields and controlling their forces an object can be
levitated. The word 'levitation' comes
the latin word 'levis ' meaning 'light'.
Why is magnetic levitation important?
levitation is useful in a variety of applications. Simply levitating an object
immediately suggests a number of things:
systems eg magnetically levitated trains.
of metallic objects in the steel industry using so-called magnetic floaters.
military applications eg the so-called Rail-gun. Which uses a magnetic field to
push projectiles.
the principles of magnetic levitation may lead to some innovative solutions to

Applications Of
Superconductors : Electric generators : superconducting
generators are very smaller in size and weight when compared with conventional
generators. The low loss superconducting coil is rotated in an extremely strong
magnetic field. Motors with very high powers could be constructed at very low
voltage as low as 450V. this is the basis of new generation of energy saving
power systems.
1. Low loss transmission lines and
transformers : Since the resistance is almost zero at superconducting phase,
the power loss during transmission is negligible. Hence electric cables are
designed with superconducting wires. If superconductors are used for winding of
a transformer, the power losses will be very small.
2. Magnetic Levitation : Diamagnetic property
of a superconductor ie , rejection of magnetic flux lines is the basis of
magnetic levitation. A superconducting material can be suspended in air against
the repulsive force from a permanent magnet. This magnetic levitation effect
can be used for high speed transportation.
3. Generation of high Magnetic fields :
superconducting materials are used for producing very high magnetic fields of
the order of 50Tesla. To generate such a high field, power consumed is only
10kW whereas in conventional method for such a high field power generator
consumption is about 3MW. Moreover in conventional method ,cooling of copper
solenoid by water circulation is required to avoid burning of coil due to Joule
4. Fast electrical switching :A superconductor
possesses two states , the superconducting and normal. The application of a
magnetic field greater than Hc
can initiate a change from superconducting to normal and removal of
field reverses the process. This principle is applied in development of
switching element cryotron. Using such superconducting elements, one can
develop extremely fast large scale computers.
5. Logic and storage function in computers :
they are used to perform logic and storage functions in computers. The current
– voltage characteristics associated
with Josephson junction are suitable for memory elements.
6. SQUIDS ( superconducting Quantum Interference
Devices ) : It is a double junction quantum interferometer. Two Josephson
junctions mounted on a superconducting ring forms this interferometer. The
SQUIDS are based on the flux quantization in a superconducting ring. Very
minute magnetic signals are detected by these SQUID sensors. These are used to
study tiny magnetic signals from the brain and heart. SQUID magnetometers are
used to detect the paramagnetic response in the liver. This gives the
information of iron held in the liver of the body accurately.