Suppose we have a number of energy levels, labeled by index , each level having energy and containing a total of particles. Suppose each level contains distinct sublevels, all of which have the same energy, and which are distinguishable. For example, two particles may have different momenta, in which case they are distinguishable from each other, yet they can still have the same energy. The value of associated with level is called the "degeneracy" of that energy level. Any number of bosons can occupy the same sublevel.Let be the number of ways of distributing particles among the sublevels of an energy level. There is only one way of distributing particles with one sublevel, therefore . It is easy to see that there are ways of distributing particles in two sublevels which we will write as:
Following the same procedure used in deriving the Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics, we wish to find the set of for which W is maximised, subject to the constraint that there be a fixed total number of particles, and a fixed total energy. The maxima of and occur at the value of and, since it is easier to accomplish mathematically, we will maximise the latter function instead. We constrain our solution using Lagrange multipliers forming the function:
A derivation of the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution
Suppose we have a container with a huge number of very small identical particles. Although the particles are identical, we still identify them by drawing numbers on them in the way lottery balls are being labelled with numbers and even colors.All of those tiny particles are moving inside that container in all directions with great speed. Because the particles are speeding around, they do possess some energy. The Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution is a mathematical function that speaks about how many particles in the container have a certain energy.
It can be so that many particles have the same amount of energy εi. The number of particles with the same energy εi is Ni. The number of particles possessing another energy εj is Nj. In physical speech this statement is lavishly inflated into something complicated which states that those many particles Ni with the same energy amount εi, all occupy a so called "energy level" i . The concept of energy level is used to graphically/mathematically describe and analyse the properties of particles and events experienced by them. Physicists take into consideration the ways particles arrange themself and thus there is more than one way of occupying an energy level and that's the reason why the particles were tagged like lottery ball, to know the intentions of each one of them.
To begin with, let's ignore the degeneracy problem: assume that there is only one single way to put Ni particles into energy level i . What follows next is a bit of combinatorial thinking which has little to do in accurately describing the reservoir of particles.
The number of different ways of performing an ordered selection of one single object from N objects is obviously N. The number of different ways of selecting two objects from N objects, in a particular order, is thus N(N − 1) and that of selecting n objects in a particular order is seen to be N!/(N − n)!. The number of ways of selecting 2 objects from N objects without regard to order is N(N − 1) divided by the number of ways 2 objects can be ordered, which is 2!. It can be seen that the number of ways of selecting n objects from N objects without regard to order is the binomial coefficient: N!/(n!(N − n)!). If we now have a set of boxes labelled a, b, c, d, e, ..., k, then the number of ways of selecting Na objects from a total of N objects and placing them in box a, then selecting Nb objects from the remaining N − Na objects and placing them in box b, then selecting Nc objects from the remaining N − Na − Nb objects and placing them in box c, and continuing until no object is left outside is
We wish to find the Ni for which the function W is maximized, while considering the constraint that there is a fixed number of particles and a fixed energy in the container. The maxima of W and ln(W) are achieved by the same values of Ni and, since it is easier to accomplish mathematically, we will maximize the latter function instead. We constrain our solution using Lagrange multipliers forming the function:
Alternatively, we may use the fact that
Derivation of Fermi-Dirac Statistics
Consider a system of particles with allowed energy levels . Let be the number of allowed states at energy , and let be the actual number of particles at energy . The values and are fixed, and the values are random according to the particular arrangement of electrons. Two important physical parameters are the total number of particles, , and the total energy of the system, .We impose the following hypotheses:
Given a specified , then the conditional probability that a state at energy level is occupied is since exactly out of states are filled; this is a consequence of hypotheses 1 and 3. By hypothesis 2, the probability that the electron distribution is specified by is given by the ratio of , the number of such arrangements, to , the total number of possible arrangements. By the total probability theorem:
Thus, is obtained as a weighted average of the occupancy distribution conditioned on the various allowed values of .
Hypothesis 4 is valid as long as the number of energy levels, states and particles is sufficiently large. This hypothesis permits us to approximate the weighted average formula (1.5) for the (unconditional) occupancy distribution very well with the term corresponding to the most likely arrangement: . Thus, we need only determine the most likely arrangement and study its properties in order to accurately characterize the system in general.
Our task now is to compute , and to find which maximizes it. The number of ways to place indistinguishable particles in states (hypothesis 3), with no more than one particle in a single state (hypothesis 1), is:
and therefore:
To simplify the algebra to follow, instead of maximizing , we maximize ; since the logarithmic function is strictly monotonic increasing, the maxima of W and occur at the same point . Thus:
We now invoke Stirling's approximation formula: for large n, , where the approximation is valid in the sense that the ratio of both sides approaches 1 as . Thus,
We apply this approximation:
We now maximize (1.10) subject to the constraints that and are fixed, and that . We impose and using the methods of Lagrange multipliers: find and such that the function :
is maximized. We first locate critical points where for all i are , . The last two simply return the constraints imposed by and . To compute , first note that . Thus:
Note that involves only , and not other 's; the significance of the introduction of the Lagrange multipliers is that the parameters and that appear in (1.12) are the same for all indices i; specifically, it is important to emphasize that they do not depend on the energy level .
Letting denote the value of at which , we obtain:
and thus:
for some constants which do not depend on .
As a final remark, we often write instead of , thus suppressing the discrete nature of the allowed energy levels. This corresponds to either approximating the range of discrete levels with a continuum, considering the small energy difference between the allowed levels, or to extending the results of this discrete analysis to the case where a continuum of energy levels in indeed allowed.