1. Describe the top down methods by which nano materials are fabricated or synthesized?
  2. Explain how x ray diffraction can be used to characterize nano materials ?
  3. Define nanotechnology discuss its properties [electronic,industry and biofield complsn]
  4. State the acoustic requirements of good hall explain how these requirements can be achieved
  5. Describe the different methods of accoustic quieting. Describe describe various methods to achieve sound proofing
  6. Derive sabine’s formula and define reverberation
  7. Describe step index and graded index fibre and explain the transmission of signal through it
  8. Define acceptance angle and numerical aperture and derive the expression for both
  9. Draw the block diagram of optical fibre communication system and explain the functions of each block
  10. Derive the relations of einstien ‘s w efficient
  11. Explain the construction, principle and working of ruby laser
  12. Explain the construction, principle and working of He-Ne laser
  13. Explain the construction, principle and working of semiconductor laser
  14. a)Explain the origin of magnetic moment at atomic level  b) What is bohr magneton?
  15.  a)what are hard and soft magnetic materials? Give the applications         b) What are ferrites
  16.  Explain the detailed classification of magnetic materials on the basis of electron spin
  17.  What is meissner effect?explain
  18.  Write the applications of super conductors. What are type I and type II super conductors?
  19.  Explain electronic polarizability and derive the expression for it
  20. Derive the relation between electronic polariability and dielectric constant for a cubic material (clausius mossoti relation)  (local field also)
  21.  Derive the expression for internal field
  22.  Explain piezo electricity and ferro electricity